A criminal new blog theme?

I have been mulling over a theme for an new occasional series of Landing Tales blog posts. Perhaps not surprisingly, the germ of this new idea lies in my continued pre-occupation with reading detective novels.

Of late, my crime novel reading has branched out to include stories where the crime busting detective is a historical person. I have every now and then dipped into the series featuring Italian philosopher Giordano Bruno (1548-1600) by S J Parris. Lots of skulduggery, espionage and hair breadth escapes in Elizabethan England. What’s not to like? Though originally, I came at that series more from my interest in historical novels than crime. The author weaves what is known about Bruno’s life and fits into that his ficticious (or maybe not) assignments for spymaster Walsingham. However, what started me off recently thinking about featuring this sub-genre on the blog was my reading one of Nicola Upson’s detective stories featuring the Scottish writer Josephine Tey as her main character (Dear Little Corpses, 2022).

This is the second Upson novel that I have read, though inevitably not in series order. I have jumped from George V’s coronation in 1937 (London Rain, 2015) straight to the evacuation of children in World War II. I enjoyed the novels that I have read so far; as with the Bruno novels, the period detail is excellent. But I still feel a touch ambivalent about the idea of building a series around real people, albeit those dead and gone. What would they have thought about becoming a character in a novel? Maybe some people would secretly love to have their lives novelised after their death, particularly if they get to be crime solving heroes. Sadly, no royalty payments though. Would Bruno be chagrined that more 21st century readers probably know of him for the novels than for his own philosphical works? It is quite likely however, that Upson’s novels featuring Tey have brought the Scottish writer new readers, eager to find out about her work.

The twist with Nicola Upson’s crime novel characterisation, is that Josephine Tey was not in a sense a real person, but one of the literary personae of Inverness-based writer Elizabeth MacKintosh (1896-1952). Her other nom de plume was Gordon Daviot, used for her plays. Therefore, Nicola Upson’s novels could be said not really to feature a historic figure at all. This perhaps gives Upson writerly licence to take the known facts of MacKintosh’s London literary life (in which she was known as Josephine Tey) and to graft them onto her series character’s life. And of course, to invent a whole different career for her as an amateur detective in various mysteries. I was amused to find that Margery Allingham had a small part to play in Dear Little Corpses and I could not help wondering whether the two writers knew each other in real life. I do hope so as they seemed to get on very well in this novel. Maybe a literary sleuthing partnership in the making?

Once I started doing a bit of idle Googling and jotting down the names that I came across, I realised that crime stories starring real historical figures as the detective form quite a significant part of the crime novel scene. A deep rabbit hole awaited me. As a result of my online research, I came across a wide range of series and one-off outings featuring literary luminaries as well as other historical figures. These came from different walks of life and spanned several centuries. This produced quite a list to work through. But where to start with my reading? I decided first to see what the library catalogue had to offer to my latest crime fancy. I had come across some unlikely-seeming detective figures in my online trawling, so I decided to plump for one of the unlikeliest but the one that seemed to promise the most entertainment value. I do enjoy a touch of humour with my crime solving.

So, what amateur tec am I talking about? Well, you will just have to wait and see! I will let you know what I have been reading in a future blog post.

The Flowerpot Forager

As it is Easter weekend, I thought that I would put up a quick garden-related post inspired by a book that I ordered from my local library in January. I originally spotted it in a bookshop while over in the UK before Christmas but I ended up buying a copy as a gift rather than one for myself. The Flowerpot Forager by Stuart Ovenden (Hardie Grant Book, 2023) happily combines two of my favourite outdoor interests, foraging and container plant gardening. The book has a UK focus but the plants discussed are all native/naturalised in Ireland too. This may yet become a genuine Landing Book Shelf title as I will probably buy my own copy in due course to add to my gardening/foraging/nature collection.

I have been browsing through the book for a while, looking for ideas for new projects to undertake. The book is beautifully presented and illustrated, a tempting book for armchair gardening on a cold winter’s evening. But now, with the sap finally rising, I have decided to be systematic and compile a shortlist of ideas for a spot of flowerpot foraging this year. I am very taken by the idea of raising plants that wouldn’t be immediately obvious choices for containers. And, I’m with the author in that much as I enjoy a spot of foraging, sometimes it can be tricky to be sure that your identification is correct or you may not have a good patch of whatever you seek close to hand.

The book is therefore mainly focussed on raising your own crops of plants more usually found in the wild, though Ovenden does offer some general advice on foraging as well. He gives instructions for growing thirty plants from seed or cuttings, as well as examples of culinary uses for your crops. I have been busy with scraps of paper (no hi-tech here) marking a few plants that I want to try. I was able to rule out borage and watercress as I grew those for the first time in the last year or two as container plants.

In the end I came up with a list of eight gardening-foraging subjects for my future attention. I was pleased to see Ransoms mentioned as I bought a packet of seeds before Christmas. Rather disappointingly however, Ovenden says that if growing from seeds, you may have to wait a year or two to obtain a substantial crop. He recommends digging up some bulbs from the wild (with the appropriate permissions) or buying bulbs from a supplier. Well, as I like a gardening challenge, I suppose that I will stick with my seeds and see what happens. Patience will be the ingredient most required I feel.

Apart from Ransoms, I have a list of possibles comprising, Elder, Bramble, Chickweed, Dog Rose, Alexanders, Pink Clover and Meadowsweet to be going on with this year. I am not too sure about the idea of raising Stinging Nettle in a pot, although I have previously foraged for leaf tips and made soup (perhaps not surprisingly this was a pandemic pursuit along with banana bread making). And, I will need some persuading to cultivate dandelions in my patio pots as they are already prone to pop up elsewhere without much encouragement. One plant project that I have mentally put on a To Do List for now is that of growing Marsh Samphire from seed. I am intrigued by the possibility so that is something that I would like to try in the future.

A nice bonus in the book is a recipe or two for using each plant to get you started on using your foraged crops. I am very tempted by the recipe for Alexanders Seed & Orange Beignets, which look absolutely delicious. First, grow your plants (or forage your seeds), as Mrs Beeton might have said…

Nature on The Landing: Bird Feeders

As the weather is still tending to be generally less than springlike, I thought that I would revisit my attempts at making fat cakes for our garden bird population. I first had a go at making some back in 2018, inspired by a section in a book that I have on The Landing called The Secret Life of Cows by Rosamund Young. Originally this rather sticky activity featured in a post on the craft blog that I used to write with The Bookworm called, Curiously, Creatively. I thought I would disinter that post from February 2018 and reprint it here (slightly edited) in case you would like to have a go yourselves. All I need to do now is to find some foolproof way of ensuring that the magpies, crows and seagulls (not to mention acrobatic squirrels) don’t charge in and savage the treats before the robins and bluetits get a look-in. Any thoughts?

I will just add that this year the birds have peanuts instead of cashew nuts, but I doubt that they will complain too much. I made cakes in mini plant pots and plan to string them up in a holly tree, which is a favoured bluetit haunt in this garden. What I failed to make allowance for was the determination of an acrobatic squirrel making inroads into the bird feed. I tried to film the little critter but couldn’t get a good enough shot. Anyway, it was very entertaining to watch.

That’s all this time, from nature-watch on The Landing Bookshelves!

New Year TBR Pile: Status Update

This is the post where I talk about all those lovely books that I received for Christmas and that now adorn my never diminishing TBR Pile. I know that it is almost the end of January, but bear with me. I’m sure I’m not the only person always playing catch-up with the reading pile. Here’s a brief run-through of my latest acquisitions.

Two books in particular I had had my eye on for a while, so when I got word that a family member wanted gift ideas, well that was my opportunity. The two books in question were The Lost Rainforests of Britain by Guy Shrubsole (William Collins) and Where the Wildflowers Grow by Leif Bersweden (2022, 2023 Hodder). I have begun to read the former and I am already fascinated by the huge variety of lichens and mosses to be found around Britain. The only problem I am having is wrestling with the Latin names; as Shrubsole points out, very few lichens have common names unlike more well-known specimens in the wider plant world.

I also had a Christmas crime fix in my book stash (which was in addition to a couple of library crime books awaiting my attention) from He Who Put the Shelves Up. Now, these two sets of crime novels resemble two sets of twins. In each corner I have a Japanese classic crime novel and a British Golden Age crime novel. The similarity is quite uncanny really, or would be if my crime fiction tastes were not so well known to my nearest and dearest. The Japanese mystery is from an author new to me, Fūtarō Yamada (1927-2001). This is the intriguing sounding The Meiji Guillotine Murders (2012, translated 2023 Pushkin Vertigo), a historical crime story set in 1869, after a recent civil war. My second murder tale is Murder in Blue (Galileo1937, 2021) by Clifford Witting (1907-68), another author new to me. This tells of a case of a murdered policeman, whose body lying alongside his bicycle is discovered by a local bookseller and writer out for an evening stroll. This reprint is of Witting’s first crime novel from an eventual sixteen. So far Galileo seems to have reprinted a couple of titles so maybe there will be more to come. The original books are apparently very collectable and rare now. I did find a first edition copy of Murder in Blue on ABE for, wait for it… £1,622.48 (plus postage and packing!) Thank goodness for good quality reprints is all I can say.

The stack of books that I had for Christmas
A stack of Christmas books

By way of a complete contrast to anything that has gone before, I received a copy of a collection of George Eliot’s essays (2023 Renard Press) from one of my sisters. The titular essay is, ‘Silly Novels by Lady Novelists’ in which Eliot lists the ‘qualities of silliness that predominates’ in the novels in question. As you will surely want to know, I will tell you that they are, ‘the frothy, the pious or the pedantic.’ This book contains a collection of four essays, all published in journals between 1854 and 1879. So I shall be dipping into Eliot in between crime novels I think.

Finally, my post-Christmas TBR pile includes a copy of Hilary Mantel’s A Memoir of my Former Self: A Life in Writing (2023 John Murray). This is a collection of Mantel’s writing collected and edited by Nicolas Pearson, Mantel’s longtime book editor. I have read several of Mantel’s novels including the Thomas Cromwell trilogy, but I haven’t read any of her articles or reviews.  I have dipped into this collection only a little so far, enjoying very much her essays on Anne Boleyn and Marie Antoinette. Mantel’s range is wide, so it looks to be an interesting anthology.

Now that is the Christmas present list wrapped up, but I did mention that I had a couple of library crime reads on the dreaded pile. The Japanese novel in my library pile is by Seishi Yokomizo (1902-1981), The Devil Comes and Plays his Flute (1979, translated 2023, Pushkin Vertigo). This features Yokomizo’s regular detective character, the rather eccentric but endearing Kosuke Kindaichi grappling with a very strange case indeed. I have read all of the Yokomizo titles reprinted by Pushkin Press and highly recommend them. The other library classic  is The White Priory Murders: A Mystery for Christmas by Carter Dickson (the pen name of John Dickson Carr), originally published in 1935 but reprinted in 2022 by the British Library. I did borrow this before the festive season, planning to read It over Christmas, but sadly that didn’t happen. I will squeeze it in while we are at least still in the wintery months!

My task now is to read all of those books, before the distraction of acquiring anything else to read. Why don’t you drop me a line and share your TBR Pile status?

The Garden Diary Re-visited

As we are almost at the end of May, I have decided that it is time for another Garden Diary post, having not ventured from The Landing region to the sunny uplands for ages. The Garden Diary (now into volume III) lives in the kitchen rather than on the Landing but as you know, technicalities of book location tend not to weigh too heavily hereabouts. The three volumes live on The Landing in spirit as it were, being something of an heirloom already and probably as dusty.

Since June 2021 (according to the note on the first page) I have been using a splendid new leather-bound notebook, a Christmas gift from a previous year. The cover is a lovely dark green, stitched around the edge; the front cover is decorated with an embossed image of a Green Man. Unlined pages of a thick creamy-white paper are stitched in five signatures. It arrived in its own cotton bag, so for a quite a while I was terrified that nothing would be good enough to write in it.

In June and July 2021, I am sure that I did have various horticultural activities, but nothing made it into the diary and I picked up the threads of the diary once more on 29 August. As I have mentioned before, I try to write up notes on what I have sown, transplanted, re-potted etc. I do generally ‘fess up to the failures in the interests of full disclosure to my future self. I enjoy keeping up the diary, although as you can see, I do fall beside the way sometimes and may let weeks or even months go by without making a note of my horticultural activities. I enjoy taking photos for the diary, attempting to document my garden progress. Houseplants occasionally get a look-in too.

I have also been trying to record the wild flowers that I have identified in the garden. Some are easier than others (think dandelion or daisy), while others have required the consulting of wildflower guides. Not to mention the use of a magnifying glass on tiny specimens. I am up to about twenty-six varieties of wildflowers recorded in my trusty diary. I think that the discoveries that delighted me the most were finding cowslip and ox-eye daisy in the grass. Along with red clover and creeping buttercup, the ox-eye daisies create a real meadow-like scene in the garden. I was particularly pleased that I was able to identify a plant called self-heal last summer with the aid of wildflower guides. I am far from being a specialist, so it is a true delight to be able to claim that I have successfully identified a flower (and for it to be happily living in my garden).

I have a handy guide, A Beginner’s Guide to Ireland’s Wild Flowers (Sherkin Ireland Marine Station) that I bought a few years ago at Magpie Books in Enniskerry (sadly no longer extant). I also use Zoё Devlin’s Wildflowers of Ireland website for identification. She has now published a wildflower guide which I have not yet got around to buying. My newest identification from the website has been a Lesser Hawkbit (see photo). All finds will duly go into the Garden Diary for posterity.

Now as it’s a sunny day, I am heading off outside with my diary!

One Pair of Hands by Monica Dickens

Today’s post sees me slipping back into library mode with One Pair of Hands, a book that I reserved after having heard about it from a borrower. As a domestic service memoir, it caught my attention since I had previously read Margaret Powell’s book, Below Stairs (1968) about her life as a housemaid in the 1920s, as well as Victory in the Kitchen by Annie Gray (telling the story of Georgina Landemare, who eventually became cook to the Churchills). Of course, the book by Monica Dickens (1915-1992) really belongs in a different category to the other two, as her middle-class background meant that she had no need to earn a living (or at least, certainly not as a domestic servant)

This is the book jacket of One Pair of Hands, showing a picture of a smiling maid outside a large front door.

The tagline on this paperback edition (2011 reprint) gives a clue to the tone of the book, ‘From upstairs to downstairs in this charming 1930s memoir’. It was originally published in 1939 as the result of a couple of years that Monica Dickens spent working in a domestic service capacity.  Dickens wrote that she didn’t know what to do after her finishing school and debs presentation. She questioned that, ‘there must be something more to life than going out to parties that one doesn’t enjoy, with people one doesn’t even like?’ The upshot of her musing was that she decided to get a job. But as what, she wondered? She was interested in cooking, having attended a French cookery school in London and learnt some basic skills at another cookery school.

The attitude of her chosen domestic service agency towards relevant experience and references seemed to be rather casual. No LinkedIn for CV checking in those days. And as Monica Dickens said herself, she was not really qualified to do anything. Yet this did not seem to stop the agency sending her out to prospective employers. Neither did it prevent several families from taking her on. I was intrigued by the fact that there she was attempting to fulfil the same role that the Dickens family’s cook-general played. When Dickens went to register with an agency the interviewer, ‘hinted in a delicate way that she wondered why I was looking for this sort of job.’ She had to resort to inventing family troubles to be convincing, claiming that her mother was a widow.

As Dickens came from a comfortable middle-class background, so her time spent ‘in service’ could be seen as merely slumming, a way to pass her time. Having said that, she certainly seemed to work hard. After registering with the employment agency, she did a variety of jobs, both live-in and out. Over the course of time, Dickens undertook several roles involving cooking, cleaning, maid’s duties, waitressing at functions and childcare. Several of the homes in which she was employed were suburban houses, with small households, which to me, did not seem to have an obvious need for domestic help. These were of course live-out posts as the houses did not have the capacity for anything else. I wonder if the decision to have staff in a comparatively normal-sized property was from a sense that appearances had to be kept up regardless. It was either that or lose face by scrubbing your own kitchen floor and making your own morning tea I suppose. All jobs seemed to be paid in cash, which I assume was par for the course in that type of work. Having said that, on occasions Dickens ended up having to use her own money to replace breakages. It was fortunate for her that she wasn’t a genuine kitchen maid/cook or that could have been a real financial blow.

There was plenty of chaos during Dickens’ period of domestic service. Inexperience played a large part here. She was self-confessedly not very keen on or good at cleaning. Monica describes one employer, ‘keeping a sharp look-out for signs of dirt and neglect, and me trying to disguise my slovenliness with subterfuge.’ It sounds as though some of the kitchens under her management were in a dire state, though perhaps that was exaggerated for the book. I was wondering whether the names of any of her employers had been changed for publication. She does not indicate that however. Even if she had, I would to love to know if any of her erstwhile employers recognised themselves or their kitchens if they or their friends read the book.

The memoir is humorous (and indeed, charming) detailing Dickens’ various domestic adventures with recalcitrant boilers (‘no woman ought to have to look after a boiler. They’re simply not made that way – it’s like overarm bowling’); exasperating tradesmen, kitchen breakages and pernickety or unpleasant employers. To say nothing of her desperate attempts at effective time management in the kitchen. And crucially, she could walk out of an unsatisfactory job if needs be, knowing that she was not relying on it to put bread on the table, ‘As I felt sure of getting another job, I saw no reason why I shouldn’t decamp before I got into a complete rut.’ Monica was fortunate in occupying a completely different place in the domestic service hierarchy to Margaret Powell (1907-1984) or Georgina Landemare (1882-1978).

Monica Dickens’ experiences do highlight the sheer drudgery of domestic work in those days. This drudgery would also apply to any housewife who had to labour in her own home. Similarly, the memoir shows us the poor working and living conditions that domestic staff would have put up with, not having any choice in the matter. Nobody worried about the kind of mattress the servants slept on. Despite this, Dickens does not seriously critique the structure of domestic service and the vastly unequal relationship between employer and servant. As Margaret Powell, looking back on her service in the 1920s expressed it, ‘We always called them ‘Them’, ‘Them’ was the enemy, ‘Them’ overworked us, and ‘Them’ underpaid us, and to ‘Them’ servants were a race apart, a necessary evil.’

But it was all good material for Monica Dickens the budding writer, as One Pair of Hands was the first book in a long and successful writing career, both for adults and children.

Childhood favourite: The Sea Witch Comes Home by Malcolm Saville

This novel by Malcolm Saville (1901-1982) represents another dive into my literary past, as Saville’s Lone Pine adventure stories were once great favourites of mine. I have previously written about the Dimsie books after I retrieved Dimsie Among the Prefects from my mother’s house (call it the Landing Book Shelves Annex). Similarly, I picked up this book on my most recent visit. It is the only Lone Pine book still knocking around the family home but I can’t remember exactly when I obtained it. As far as I remember I read most, if not all of the adventures in the series and used to save up my pocket money to buy the paperback editions or else borrowed them from our local library.

This edition of Sea Witch is a blue cloth-bound hardback, bought as a second-hand copy and with the previous owner’s name stamped inside. It appears to be a first edition (1960) but sadly the jacket’s condition has deteriorated over the years and as you can see from the photo, is quite damaged, so that part of the spine has faded. The book is otherwise in nice condition and the pages have worn the passage of time well. It is a pity that my copy isn’t in better nick as according to ABE Books, a good first edition could sell for as much as eighty-odd pounds. Oh well.

I never read the Lone Pine series in chronological order, the first being Mystery at Witchend (1943), but as each book contained a complete adventure, that never seemed to matter. The books followed the activities of a group of friends who formed a secret society called the Lone Pine Club. The club’s oath was sworn in blood, which was guaranteed to appeal to a child’s love of secret societies. If you recall from a previous post, Dimsie Maitland was a member of the Anti-Soppists society, though I don’t think that any bodily flids were involved in those initiation rites.

On re-reading Sea Witch many years later, I can see both why it appealed to me and why the Lone Pine mysteries followed naturally for me after Enid Blyton’s Famous Five adventure series. The idea of kids having lots of adventures largely without adults (girls got to be part of it too) greatly appealed to me at the time. And as for the thrill of solving mysteries that defeated more experienced hands, well that was the icing on the cake. Now as an adult, it’s slightly mind boggling to re-read and see just how much the kids got up to with just instructions to be home for tea. No mobile phones either!

Several of the Lone Pine books were set in Shropshire, some in Rye in Sussex. My fondness for the Shropshire countryside has its roots in the Lone Pine Stories; I even loved the place-names and wanted so much to visit the Long Mynd and the Stiperstones. Sadly, although I have been to Shropshire on several occasions, I’ve never yet got around to visiting Rye. With its connections to Saville, EF Benson and Henry James, I do feel that a visit is long overdue. The recently installed Blue Plaque, reported in the Rye News, to honour Malcolm Saville provides a fresh incentive to do so.

But, returning to The Sea Witch Comes Home, here is a brief plot summary to this Lone Pine adventure for the uninitiated amongst you. This East Anglian-set novel only features three of the club’s nine members, founder member David Morton (16) and his siblings Mary and Richard (Dickie) who are 10-year-old twins. The three head off to a village called Walberswick at the behest of David’s schoolfriend Paul Channing. Paul and his sister Rose are worried about their father who has gone off in his boat The Sea Witch without saying where or why. (And Mrs Morton calmly lets them go off to a house where no adult is around to keep an eye on them!).

As the children try to find answers, they realise that they are not the only ones trying to find Richard Channing. What is he involved in? As well as contending with inquisitive strangers while seeking answers to the mystery, the friends have to deal with a far more dangerous foe: the sea. The climax of the book features a coastal emergency, when the sea breaks through defences in several places, threatening lives and homes. In his foreword, Saville admits to cheating a little in his timing, as the high tides of the autumn equinox occur a bit later than early September, the time period of the story. It does make a dramatic plot element though. I won’t plot spoil, but of course the young detectives win the day and solve the mystery.

I suppose I can blame both Blyton and Saville for a life-long love of crime and mystery novels. The next stop was Agatha Christie, Conan Doyle and the rest was, as they say… history. If anyone is interested in Malcolm Saville’s Lone Pine stories, as well as the many other books that he wrote, then take a look at the website dedicated to his books, Witchend.com. Also, if you are interested in reprints of some of the stories, check out Girls Gone By Publishers to see their current list.

Georgian Dublin Walking Tour

Following on from the Birmingham related topic of the last post, here is a Dublin flavoured piece to continue the city theme. This is one of those ‘out and about’ pieces that I haven’t done for a long time, though it does have a connection with a book. Inspired by the new Bank Holiday for St Brigid (spring in the air, etc) I began to think about what cultural and historical activities I might undertake this year. A sort of spring resolution as opposed to the New Year variety. This in turn reminded me about one activity that I did with a friend over a year ago, but never got around to mentioning on the blog.

So, several months too late here goes:

On a very pleasant autumn Sunday afternoon I found myself strolling in Dublin city centre, taking part in one of the Henrietta Street walking tours. In case you haven’t come across these Dublin City Council tours before, they focus on the city’s northside Georgian architecture, beginning with Henrietta Street where Georgian Dublin first began to take shape. This street was the earliest development by the Gardiner family, laid out in the 1720s and was named for Henrietta, Duchess of Grafton. The historic building walk was a first for me (thanks Natalie); it was a good introduction to Henrietta Street, somewhere I had never visited. You can book tours of the restored 14 Henrietta Street, which is something that is still on my ‘to do’ list (see above!) Have a look at the museum website for further information as there are usually various events on during the year.

In their heyday, large properties such as those on Henrietta Street housed the families of Members of Parliament attending to their duties and enjoying Dublin’s social whirl. However, changes came about after the Act of Union, which moved parliament from Dublin to London. So the seasonal demand for townhouses was lost; gradually the area’s residences housed members of the legal profession instead. Large Georgian houses such as 14 Henrietta St eventually ended up being divided into tenements for multi-occupancy in the late nineteenth century. The Henrietta Street Museum charts these changes and tells the stories of those that lived there over 300 years of habitation.

The Georgian architecture tour was an excellent introduction to the layout and growth of the Georgian northside, from an engaging and knowledgeable guide. Afterwards I did wish that I had taken notes along the way, but at the time it was enjoyable just to stroll along and listen. We covered quite a bit of ground (literally as well as historically) so I think that stroll probably counted as my daily exercise.Thankfully the weather was kind to us too.

Later on, after getting home, I had a delve into my copy of See Dublin on Foot: An Architectural Walking Guide (Julie Craig). I’ve mentioned this walking guide previously on the blog, when I bought it way back in 2012. It was published by Dublin Civic Trust in 2001, so some of the information is now a little out of date (think Clery’s demise to start with) but I don’t think that an updated edition is available yet.

I was able to read up a bit more on those northside city streets and to plot out on the map where we had been walking. If you look at the map that I have scanned in you will see that we had a good tour of Gardiner’s Dublin (the route I have marked isn’t entirely flowing, but you get the idea). The architectural guidebook gives details of who originally lived in Henrietta Street, so reading that was a nice supplement to the tour. I’ll just mention a couple of residents noted in Craig’s book: Number 7 was built and lived in by Nathaniel Clements, Teller of the Exchequer and MP (1730); he also built numbers 4, 5 and 6. Apparently the first recorded occupant of number 14 was Richard, Third Viscount Molesworth in 1755. However, since that book was written further research may have identified an earlier resident. This house was built by Luke Gardiner as part of a terrace block with numbers 13 and 15 in the early 1740s.

Further Reading

In the Henrietta Street website shop, three new books on the area are now available, published by Dublin City Council Culture Company. Between them, the books cover the rise and fall of Henrietta Street and the people who lived there (from 1750-1979). Each book is by a different author: Georgian Beginnings by Melanie Hayes; Grandeur and Decline by Timothy Murtagh and From Tenement to Suburbia by Donal Fallon. I haven’t yet had a look at them, but plan to do so.

I will let you know if I manage to make a visit to see the interior of 14 Henrietta Street. Has anyone else been to see it? I would love to hear your thoughts on the experience.

The Birmingham Art Book

In this post, I’m featuring a new resident on the Landing Book Shelves, a Christmas gift no less. The book is the Birmingham Art Book: The City Through the Eyes of its Artists edited by Emma Bennett (who also created the cover art and wrote the preface). Joe Lycett has contributed a foreword, setting the tone for the book by declaring, ‘Birmingham, as I’m sure you’re aware, is the best city in the world. And the art here is the best in the world too.’

Front cover of The Birmingham Art Book, showing an image of the Council House by Emma Bennett

This book is the seventh title in a series of city art books published by UIT Cambridge Ltd. I hadn’t come across this series before, but I notice that Dublin and Edinburgh are included, so I might have to explore further. If you remember, I did a post some while ago about the Silent Traveller in Edinburgh, so I am following a favourite city theme here. It could build into a whole new sub-collection (as if I needed another one).

The Birmingham Art Book features the work of sixty-one artists, some having more than one piece included creating a collection of wonderful images of the city. The views included here are depicted in a wide range of styles and media, giving the collection a very vibrant feel. It’s a book for dipping into over and over again as each time you browse the images, another detail from the Birmingham landscape is revealed. I’m a Brummie born and bred and despite having moved away years ago, I do go back to visit regularly. This book is a lovely souvenir to have, a reminder of all the myriad buildings, parks and features that make up the city. It’s also a very nice addition to my Brummie collection. I haven’t added to it since buying This is Not Your Final Form, a poetry collection from Emma Press.

Back cover of the Birmingham Art Book, showing some images from the book and other titles in the series.

But of course, I never get chance to mooch around the city as much as I would like. I therefore found that the book’s city depictions had a huge nostalgia value for me. I kept spotting things that made me exclaim, ‘Ooh, I remember that!’ However, I have also been scratching my head at other images, not being quite able to place something that I feel I ought to remember. I’m also reminded of places that I haven’t re-visited in ages, such as the Barber Institute and the Electric Cinema.  

It is nice to see that the suburbs get a look in too. More nostalgia here; Cadbury’s, Kings Heath, Moseley and Cannon Hill Park. There are so many great images in this collection that it would be hard to pick out a shortlist of favourites. I will just name check a few though I could easily end up listing the entire contents:

  • I smiled at the close-up depiction of the gargoyles on St Martin’s Church looking with what seems to be an expression of amazement at the Selfridges Building (Graham Leonard King).  
  • Robert Geoghegan’s picture of Cannon Hill Park full of Canada Geese. The tagline on the painting reads: ‘Today:Cannon Hill Park. Tomorrow: The World’. I also like his portrait of ‘Old Joe’ at the University of Birmingham, The Owl and the Clocktower. I love the owl!
  • Alexander Edwards (Brumhaus) has a graphic-style view of the Jewellery Quarter, especially pleasing to me, as I was around that area for the first time in ages before Christmas.
  • I include in my picks a couple of city centre views, as I was busy spotting buildings that I recognised: Bird’s Eye New Street by Chris Eckersley and Memories of Birmingham by Martin Stuart Moore.
  • And finally, a mention for the travel poster/Art Deco inspired peices by Milan Topalović. The view of China Town is gorgeous.
  • And finally, finally let’s not forget the differing depictions of the Library of Birmingham, the Rotunda, the canal scenes, the Floozie in the Jacuzzi, The Bull and the Grand Central.

Highly recommended to Brummies past and present! Go out and buy one (and no, I’m not on commission).

Books on the Bus

Cover of Anthony Horow.itz novel The Word is Murder
Crime on the commute

I noted in the last blog post that I was listening to The Word is Murder by Anthony Horowitz (read by Rory Kinnear) on my commute. My daily dose of audio book listening has become a travel fixture since December, after I followed a colleague’s suggestion to give them a try. As I said before, I have been using the handy little mp3 editions from the library. The audio book listening has been a useful tool in adapting to an unaccustomed bus/train commute; one that started in the unforgiving winter months, which certainly didn’t add a cheer factor to the tedious bus wrangling. I may have mentioned once or twice here, my penchant for crime fiction, so I keep an eye out for new (or indeed, old) ideas that appear in audio format. It is entirely possible, that having discovered the joys of audio books, I will increase my intake of crime novels considerably. Would that be such a bad thing? Don’t answer that one.

Crime has certainly become the genre of choice for my travelling books over the last couple of months. I have however, tried a couple of other ideas. For instance, I have long taken an interest in Bertie Pollock’s daily trials in Alexander McCall Smith’s Scotland Street books, so I tried one out as a commuting book.  Alas, it was too easy going, calm and philosphical to suit my journey to work. Maybe it would have suited my homeward trip better? Perhaps I should try a touch of crime in the morning and catch up on Scotland Street on the homeward ride.  Having said that, the rush hour frustrations of the evening commute might be better suited to the distractions of a juicy crime novel… It’s a work in progress, as they say. I also ventured to listen to Helen MacDonald’s Vesper Flights a few weeks ago, but for me it didn’t work as a bus book. That is a book that I will return to in print form as I think it is really one to be savoured at leisure, making notes of anything I want to follow up on.

Cover of the Christopher Fowler Bryant & May story, The Burning Man.
London crime

Of course, maybe the detective audio fiction urge will prove to be just a winter thing. Fragrant spring mornings and sultry summer evenings may well encourage quite different listening habits. Let’s wait and see, shall we? For now, I am generally pursuing a criminal course each morning and evening, which has led to my introduction to some new crime writers. One of those is the above-mentioned Anthony Horowitz, who has long been a name that I passed while shelving adult fiction A-M. I always meant at some point to give his adult fiction a go but I never got around to him. I’m not that sure that he’d appreciate that my impetus for doing so was that I needed something lively to distract me from interminable road works.

I have also discovered Christopher Fowler’s detectives Arthur Bryant and John May from The Peculiar Crimes Unit in the adventure, The Burning Man (read by Tim Goodman). Not for the first time in lighting on a new discovery, I have begun well into the series so at some point I need to back track to the earlier books. I really enjoyed this story, both the main characters being agreeably quirky in the chalk and cheese vein. The wealth of historical detail about London’s layers of history is woven into the detective action in a way that brings London vividly to life, as Bryant is a veritable fount of information about the city he loves. I will certainly read more of this series (not necessarily in order of course!)

Now all I need is a steady supply of AAA batteries to fuel my travelling crime fest. And maybe I should treat myself to some decent headphones. Does anyone else relish a good audio book on the bus?