The Blurb

All About the Book

The bit that tells you all about the book

This set of pages will be a section of all things book-related: book groups, libraries, book festivals, favourite bookshops and (I hope) much, much more. The first pages I upload will be re-published pieces but I want to add new articles to the section in between working on the Landing Blog entries. The pages are really a way of incorporating topics into the site that will not quite fit into the blog stream. Well, that is the main reason; also, since my techncical prowess allows me to put pages in then I might as well do so. As this is all one big learning curve I aim to learn as much as possible. Which means gathering together plenty of material for bookish type content and literary features and building an interesting nest of pages here.

As with any of the content on here, I will be gradually shaping and adding to this section so please be patient if progress seems a little slow at times. To add to my learning curve issues I have to admit to not being as nifty as I would like to be with the keyboard, which slows me down somewhat. And that is without considering the twin distractions of Twitter and Facebook, time devourers that they are. And of course there are the books….

……which brings us back to where we started. I am editing and tweaking a few book related pieces from the last couple of years that I will post up as soon as possible. One will be a piece on the Marsh Library in Dublin and I also have an article on the Dublin One City One Book event that I would like to use here. I also welcome any suggestions for topics to cover during the coming months. There is a form on the contact page for ideas and feedback.

How does that sound for forward thinking?

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